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I live my life through God, ethics, conviction, experiences, books, motion pictures and music… and the thought of an eternal life & utopia after my intertwined fate of mortality.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Re-post from FB || August 22, 2010 at 12:09 pm

I don't know what's going on to that head of yours and i don't like it. You've done that so many times before, what reaction do yo want me to have? Smile like nothing's wrong? Honestly, I've actually seen that coming. I don't find it shocking. Disappointing is what it is. Gosh, I've seen that coming and I still can't believe it. I can't believe you. Why do you do that? Am i not that enough for you to stay for a night? You need to go to a different place to forget? You need to vent out those feelings somewhere with somebody. Say, your friends. So that makes me what? What's your defense? They're your friends and you need to go? You don't go out EVERYDAY anymore that's why i can't refrain you from doing so? You're too mad, you can't stay? How about that night, was it the same then? If it was the same, then what? You'd still feel the urge to go or you would have stayed?  So what's the point of going out? You forgot you have a girlfriend, waiting for you, thinking about you? Then you wouldn't text me because you have this over-the-top pride. I wouldn't know where you are, yet you'll blame me because I'm not talking to you. Then you'd text me saying I really am something and all those make-up stories you can think of and reverse-psychology me. You'll say sorry afterwards. What's the sense of saying sorry if you've done it already considering you have choices. It's not even forced to you. You forced me to. You just chose to go astray every time that happens? Really, you can go on a whim because you said so? You can go on a whim even if i said, no? You have this indepedent decision going on and on and on. Where am i in that? You know it sucks that im not included. Maybe you should be my role model and do the same. It's like there's nothing wrong with it for you. You think that you're always right because you're doing it like nothing is WRONG. These are the actions you should regret doing, you knowObtw, you'll say this is just a small thing, and that it's nothing. I'm never angry that you're with your friends, only your thoughts count for me -your hardheaded persona. Don't you blame me that im not talking to you. You said so yourself. "BABAE ako, LALAKI ka". I know i dont have a lot of privileges like you because you're a guy. I'm over that argument now. I'm actually thankful that you're protecting me. I have accepted the fact that im not conservative enough for you considering im always at home -I'm glued to it. You know it doesn't surprise me, my mom raised me like that. What's confusing is that even for an inch of air, you can't let me. But i don't want to argue about that anymore. So LALAKI ka pala. Magpakalalaki ka. If im not mistaken men have initiative, too. Men need to be patient, too.  I know you can't read my mind. Men can't read minds unlike us girls. Run towards me. I can't kneel for you this time. This is not my fault.  What do men do to women? You seem to know a lot about your capabilities as a man. SHOW ME. The only fact is, you can't lower your pride like i do.

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